
Se afișează postări din octombrie, 2014

Claire Bennet (again Heroes)

Save the cheerleader,save the world. The indestructible girl. Love the fact that they chose the blonde cheerleader stereotype (minus the bad personality) and not the underdog, they usually go for.

Peter Petrelli fanart (Heroes)

Peter, the nurse. Gotta love this dude

Elle Bishop fanart

Elle I have a crush on Elle from Heroes. She's so frikin' cute! She has that...spark. (lame pun, couldn't help it)


Sylar, Sylar, Sylar Sylar is the nemessis in Heroes. I reallly, reallly, reaaaalllly love this series, so much that I refuse to watch the last 2 episodes of the final season. I refuse to accept that it will end T__T. This guy is pretty awesooome. The character suffered some changes from how it was portraited in the pilot episode and it developped so good by the end of the show...


 Ink outline with G pen and 0,4 liner. Color, text and tone in Manga Studio 4.